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Salah A Mehanee

Address: University of Utah
Department of Geology and Geophysics
135 South, 1460 East Romm 719
Salt Lake City, UTAH 84112

Academic History:

M.Sc. degree in Engineering Geophysics 1994: Cairo University, Egypt
B.Sc. in Geophysics 1989: Cairo University, Egypt


Nominated for outstanding Ph.D. student award in the Department of Geology and Geophysics for the year 2002.

List of Selected Employment History:

1. Summer 2001: Research associate with the research department of Baker Hughes Logging Service (summer job).
2. Summer 1998: Research associate with the research department of Baker Hughes Logging Service.
3. 1992-March,1994: Teaching/Research assistant at the Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
4. 1994-March,1997: Assistant lecturer at the Geophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt

List of Publications/Abstracts:

1. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 2002, Magnetotelluric inversion of blocky geoelectrical structures: In press (Journal of geophysical research, solid-earth).
2. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 2002, 3-D finite difference electromagnetic modeling based on the balance method. In preparation to be submitted to Physics Today.
3. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 2002, 3-D electromagnetic iterative migration based on the balance method. In preparation to be submitted to inverse problem.
4. Mehanee, S., Rabinovich, M., Tabarovsky, L., and T. Wang, 2001. Reservoir characterization using dual phase induction laterolog 2-D inversion. In preparation to be submitted to pertophysics.
5. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 2001, 3-D finite difference electromagnetic modeling based on the balance method: 71st International exposition and meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists
6. Sultan, M., Fiske, M., Stein, T., Gamal, M., Abd-Elhady, Y., El-Araby, H., El-Artaby, T., Madani, A. Mehanee, S., and R. Bercker, 1999, Satellite-based monitoring of urbanization in the Nile delta, Egypt, Ambio, V. 28, P. 628-631.
7. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 1999, Regularized inversion of magnetotelluric data in Carrizo Plain California: Abstracts of the American Geophysical Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California.
8. Mehanee, S., and M. Zhdanov, 1999, Magnetotelluric inversion of blocky geoelectrical structures using the minimum support method: 69th International exposition and meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
9. Mehanee, S., Golubev, N., and M. Zhdanov, 1998, Weighted regularized inversion of magnetotelluric data: 68th International and Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
10. El-Behiry, M., Hosney, H., Abd-Elhady, and S. Mehanee, 1995, Ground magnetic to delineate landfill in engineering sites: Bulletin of Faculty of Science, Cairo University, vol. 10: 231-242.
11. El-Behiry, M., Hosney, H., Abd-Elhady, and S. Mehanee, 1994, Seismic refraction method to characterize engineering sites: Presented at the 64th Int. SEG/EGS annual meeting, Cairo, Egypt, March 21-24.

Internal Reports (Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion):

1. Mehanee, S. and M. Zhdanov, 2002, 3-D electromagnetic iterative migration based on the balance method
2. Mehanee, S. and M. Zhdanov, 2002, Quasi-analytical boundary conditions in 3-D electromagnetic modeling.
3. Mehanee, S. and M. Zhdanov, 2001, 3-D finite difference forward modeling based on the balance method.
4. Varentsov, I., Fomenk, E., Golubev, N., Mehanee, S., Hursan, G. and M. Zhdanov, 2000, Compartive study of 3-D finite-difference and integral equation methods.
5. Mehanee, S. and M. Zhdanov, 2000, Regularized joint focusing inversion of TE and TM mode magnetotelluric data.
6. Mehanee, S. and M. Zhdanov, 1999, Magnetotelluric inversion of blocky geoelectrical structures using the minimum support method.
7. Mehanee, S., Golubev, N. and M. Zhdanov, 1998, Improved regularized inversion of magnetotelluric data.

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