Distinguished Professor of Geophysics
Director of the Consortium for Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion (CEMI)
Theoretical and Applied Geophysics
Electromagnetic Methods
M.Sc. Geophysics, 1968, Moscow Gubkin State University of Oil
and Gas
M.Sc. Mathematics, 1969, Moscow State University.
Ph.D. Physics and Mathematics, 1970, Moscow State University
Doctor of Sciences, Physics and Mathematics, 1978, Moscow State
Honorary Gauss Professor, Gettingen Academy of Sciences, Germany.
Fellow, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy, USA
Honorary Professor of China National Center of Geological
Exploration Technology
Honorary Member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists
- American Geophysical Union
- Australian Society of Exploration Geophysics
E-mail: michael.zhdanov@utah.edu
Tel: (801) 581-7750
FAX: (801) 581-7065
on Google scholar
Major Publications (monographs)
Zhdanov, M.S. & Shraibman, V.I., 1973, Correlation methods of the separation of geophysical anomalies: Nedra, Moscow, 128 p.p. (in Russian).
Shraibman, V.I., Zhdanov, M.S. & Vitvitsky, O.V., 1977, Correlation methods of the transformation and interpretation of geophysical anomalies: Nedra, Moscow, 236 p.p. (in Russian).
Berdichevsky, M.N. & Zhdanov, M.S., 1981, Interpretation of the anomalies of the transient electromagnetic field of the Earth: Nedra, Moscow, 327 p.p. (in Russian).
Znamensky, V.V., Zhdanov, M.S. & Petrov, L.P., 1981, Geophysical methods in prospecting and well-logging (First Edition): Nedra, Moscow, 320 p.p. (in Russian).
Zhdanov, M.S., 1984, Cauchy integral analogs in the geophysical field theory. Nauka, Moscow, 336 pp.
Berdichevsky, M.N. & Zhdanov, M.S., 1984, Advanced theory of deep geomagnetic sounding. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 408 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1986, Electrical prospecting. Nedra, Moscow, 316 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1988, Integral transforms in geophysics. Springer - Verlag, Heidelberg, 367 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S., Matusevich, V.Yu. and Frenkel, M.A. 1988, Seismic and electromagnetic migration. Nauka, Moscow, 376 pp.
Berdichevsky, M.N., Zhdanova, O.N., & Zhdanov, M.S., 1989, Marine deep geoelectricity: Nauka, Moscow, 90 p.p. (in Russian).
Zhdanov, M.S., Varentsov, Iv. M., Golubev, N.G. & Krylov, V.A., 1990, Methods of modeling of electromagnetic fields: Nauka, Moscow, 200 p.p. (in Russian).
Dmitriev, V.I., Zhdanov, M.S., Morozov, V.A., Nikitin, A.A. & Brusnetsov, H.P., 1990, Computation mathematics and techniques in exploration geophysics: Nedra, Moscow, 498 p.p. (in Russian).
Znamensky, V.V. , Zhdanov, M.S., and Petrov, L.P., 1991, Geophysical methods in prospecting and well-logging, (Second Edition): Nedra, Moscow, 320 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S. & Spichak, V.V., 1992, Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic fields in three-dimensional inhomogeneous media. Nauka, Moscow, 188 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S. & Keller, G., 1994, The Geoelectrical Methods in Geophysical Exploration, Elsevier, Amsterdam - London - New York - Tokyo, 873 pp.
Zhdanov, M. S. & Wannamaker, P.E., Eds, 2002,Three-dimensional electromagnetics: Elsevier, Amsterdam - New York - Tokyo, 290 pp.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2007, Geophysical inverse
theory: Nauchnyi Mir, Moscow, 710 pp. (in Russian).
Kasahara, J., V. Korneev, and Zhdanov, M. S., Eds 2010, Active geophysical monitoring: Handbook of Geophysical Exploration: Volume 40, Elsevier, 549 pages, ISBN: 008045262
Zhdanov, M.S., 2012, Geophysical
electromagnetic theory and methods: Nauchnyi Mir, Moscow,
679 pp. (in Russian).
Zhdanov, M. S., 2015, Inverse Theory and Applications in Geophysics, Elsevier.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2015, Geophysical electromagnetic
theory and methods: Science Press (in Chinese ). ISBN:
Zhdanov, M. S., 2017, Foundations of Geophysical
Electromagnetic Theory and Methods, Elsevier
Zhdanov, M.S., 2018, Inverse Theory and Applications in
Geophysics: Science Press (in Chinese ), ISBN: 978-7-03-058104-4
Kasahara, J., M. S. Zhdanov, and H. Mikada,
2019, Active Geophysical Monitoring, 2nd Edition,
Zhdanov, M. S., Ed. 2021, Geophysics
for Mineral Exploration, MDPI.
Zhdanov, M. S., 2023, Advanced Methods of Joint Inversion and
Fusion of Multiphysics Data, Springer Nature.
Refereed journal papers published in 1970-2024:
Zhdanov, M.S., 1970, Relationship of singular points of the gravitational and magnetic potentials to the shape of the surface of contact: Geology and Geophysics, No. 6, 119-122. (In Russian)Zhdanov, M.S., 1971, Development of the theory of analytical continuation in curvilinear domains (two-dimensional potential fields Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 5, 114-121. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, Analytical continuation of two-dimensional potential fields: Geology and Geophysics, No. 2, 93-97. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, Properties of the gravitational potential of a three-dimensional homogeneous body: Geology and Geophysics, No. 12, 96-101. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, On analytic continuation of two-dimensional electromagnetic fields: Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 6, 61-69. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, Separation of transient electromagnetic fields of the Earth Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 8, 43-54. (In Russian)
Berdichevsky, M.N. and Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, Decomposition of the transient geomagnetic field into normal and anomalous parts: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 13, No. 2, 339-343. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Berdichevsky, M.N., 1973, Effect of the World ocean and near-surface inhomogeneities of the continents on transient geomagnetic field: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 13, No. 5, 958-959. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1973, Development of the theory of analytical continuation of potential fields in curvilinear three-dimensional domains: Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 2, 42-50. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1974, Theory of interpretation of gravitation anomalies determined by three space coordinates: Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 9, 32-46. (In Russian)
Berdichevsky, M.N., Zhdanova, O.N., and Zhdanov, M.S., 1974, A possibility of separation of transient geomagnetic fields into normal and anomalous parts: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 14, No. 1, 136-143. (In Russian)
Bertichevsky, M.N., and Zhdanov, M.S., 1974, Decomposition of the anomalies of transient geomagnetic field using spherical analysis: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 14, No. 3, 506-511. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1975, Gravitational field of a three-dimensional layered medium: Geology and Geophysics, No. 6, 112-120. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1975, Theory of interpretation of deep electromagnetic anomalies using the analytical continuation methods: Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 9, 59-73. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Berdichevsky, M.N., 1975, Analysis of transient geomagnetic field anomalies on the surface of the multilayer, horizontally, inhomogeneous Earth: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 15, No. 2, 325-330. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Berdichevsky, M.N., and Zhdanova, O.N., 1975, Surface anomalies of the Earth’s transient electromagnetic field: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 15, No. 3, 532-536. (In Russian)
Berdichevsky, M.N., Zhdanov, M.S., and Feinberg, E.B., 1976, Electrical conductivity functions in the magnetotelluric and magnetovariation methods: Annales de Geophysique., 32, 301-318.
Zhdanov, M.S., and Feinberg, E.B., 1976, Spatial-temporal filtration of geomagnetic fields: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy., 16, 535-541. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1980, Cauchy integral analogues for the separation and continuation of electromagnetic fields within conducting matter: Geophysical Surveys 4, 115-136.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1980, Use of Cauchy integral analogs in the geopotential field theory: Annales de Geophysique, 36, No. 4, 447-458.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1980, Consideration of the effect of the World Ocean on the transient geomagnetic field by means of a finite-thickness spherical shell: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 20, 523-529. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1981, Continuation of non-stationary electromagnetic fields in geoelectrical problems: Izvestia Akademii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 12, 60-69. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Plotnikov, S.B., 1981, Separation of geomagnetic field variations into normal and anomalous parts for bounded domain: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 21, No. 6, 1064-1069. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Golubev, N.G., Spichak, V.V., and Varenstov, I.M., 1982, The construction of effective methods for EM modeling: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 68, 589-607.
Berdichevsky, M.N., Bezruk, I.A., Vaniyan, L.L., Volkov, Ya. M., D mitriev, V.I., and Zhdanov, M.S., 1982, Chronicle: VI All-union school-seminar on geoelectric studies: Isvestia Academii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 5, 95-96. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Frenkel, M.A., 1983, The solution of the inverse problems on the basis of analytical continuation of the transient electromagnetic field in the reverse time: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, 35, 747-765.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Varentsov, Iv.M., 1983, Interpretation of local two-dimensional electromagnetic anomalies by formalized trial procedure: Geophysical Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 75, 623-638.
Akekseev, S.M. and Zhdanov, M.S., 1983, Construction of a stable algorithm for correlation transformations and geophysical fields: Geology and Geophysics, No. 2, 113-120. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Berdichevsky, M.N., 1983, On interpretation of electromagnetic anomalies by the moment method: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 23, No. 4, 655-660. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Matusevich, V.Y., 1984, Restoration of the spatial pattern of wave propagation in an elastic medium: Annales de Geophysique, 2, No. 1, 1-15. (1984c)
Berdichevsky, M.N., Zhdanova, O.N., and Yakovlev, A.G., 1984, Anomalous electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic sounding of the sea floor: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 24, No. 4, 667-673. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Frenkel, M.A., 1984, The method of electromagnetic migration: Izvestia Academii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 4, 60-74. (In Russian)
Velikhov, E.P., Zhdanov, M.S., and Frenkel, M.A., 1984, Interpretation of the magnetic hydrodynamic sounding data in Kola Peninsula using electromagnetic migration method: Doklady Adademii Nauk SSSR, V. 276, No. 2, 329-334. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Frenkel, M.A., 1984 – English translation, Migration of electromagnetic fields in the solution of inverse geoelectric problems: USSR Academy of Sciences, 25-29.
Zhdanov, M.S., Berdichevsky, M.N., Abramova, L.M., Bilinsky, A.I., Bobrov, V.N., Varencov, I.M., Golubev, N.G., Gordienko, V.V., Zhdanova, O.N., Kulik, S.N., Fajnberg, Je.B., and Shneer, V.S., 1985, Deep electromagnetic studies in Soviet Carpathians: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, V. 285, No. 1, 78-82. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Vaniyan, L.L., and Harin, E.P., 1985, Chronicle: VII International symposium on electromagnetic induction in the Earth: Izvestia Academii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 11, 104-106. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Golubev, N.G., Varentsov, Iv.M., Abramova, L.M., Shneer, V.S., Berdichevsky, M.N., Zhdanova, O.N., Gordienko, V.V., Kulik, S.N., and Bilinsky, A.I., 1986, 2-D model fitting of a geomagnetic anomaly in the Soviet Carpathians: Annales of Geophysicae, 4, B, 3, 335-342.
Korotaev, S.M., Trofimov, I.L., Zhdanov, M.S., Dachev, H.I., Varencov, I.M., Chabelyansky, S.M., and Haritonov, A.L., 1986, Results of electromagnetic studies in the western part of the Black Sea: Bulgarian Geophysical Journal, V. 12, No. 1, 94-102. (In Russian)
Velikhov, Y.P., Zhdanov, M.S., and Frenkel, M.A., 1987, Interpretation of MHD-sounding data from the Kola Peninsula by the electromagnetic migration method: PEPI, 45, 149-160.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1987, Application of space analysis of electromagnetic fields to investigation of the geoelectrical structure of the Earth: PAGEOPH, 125, Nos. 2, 3, 483-497.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Cherniak, V.V., 1987, Automated method of the solution of 2-D inverse electromagnetic induction problem: Dokladi Akadamii Nauk SSSR, 296, No. 1, 59-63. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Zinger, B.Ch., Fajnberg, Je.B., Godneva, G.S., and Sanin, S.I., 1987, Modeling of electromagnetic field in Karpastsko-Pannonskij region: Isvestia Academii Nauk SSSR, Fizika Zemli, No. 1, 71-78. (In Russian)
Korotaev, S.M., Chabelyansky, S.M., Trofimov, I.L., Zhdanov, M.S., Lapicky, A.N., Sanin, S.I., and Kutkin, V.V., 1987, Deep electromagnetic studies in the southern-western part of the Black Sea: Okeanologia, V. 32, No. 6, 946-950. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., 1988, Electromagnetic tomography: Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR, V. 301, No. 4, 829-834. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Spichak, V.V., 1989, Numerical modeling of three-dimensional electromagnetic fields in geoelectrics: Dokladi Akademii Nauk SSSR, 309, No. 1, 57-60. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S., Abramova, L.M., Varenstov, I.M., Belev, A.A., Golubev, N.B., Dachev, Kh.Y., Sanin, S.I., and Shneyer, V.S., 1989, Deep electromagnetic sounding in Bulgaria: Reports of Russian Academy of Sciences, 69-73.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Chabelyansky, S.V., 1989, Separation of electromagnetic field at the sea and ocean floor into normal and anomalous parts with the account for hydrodynamic source: Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, V. 29, No. 4, 652-658. (In Russian)
Zhdanov, M.S. and Podchufarov, V.V., 1990, Migration of the scalar components of the electromagnetic field in geoelectric problems: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR – English translation of USSR Academy of Sciences, V. 302, 1-7.
Zhdanov, M.S., Spichak, Vjacheslav V., and Zaslavsky, Leonid Yu, 1990, Numerical modeling of EM fields over local anomalies with a vertical axis of symmetry: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 60, 53-61.
Shneyer, V.S., Trofimov, I.L., Abramov, Yu.M., Zhdanov, M.S., Machinin, V.A., and Shabelyansky, S.V., 1991, Some results of gradient electromagnetic sounding in Doldrums Mid-Atlantic Ridge fracture: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 66, 259-264.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Tjan, T., 1994, Migration by analytic continuation through a variable background medium: Journal of Seismic Exploration, V. 3, 283-297.
Zhdanov, M.S., Traynin, P. and Portniaguine O., 1995, Resistivity imaging by time domain electromagnetic migration (TDEMM), Exploration Geophysics, V. 25, 186-194.
Zhdanov, M.S., Traynin, P., Portniaguine, O., and Mac Lean, H.D., 1995, Time domain electromagnetic migration in INEL RWMC Cold Test Pit characterization: Proceedings of SAGEEP'95, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 919-924.
Zhdanov, M.S., Traynin P. and Booker, J.R., 1996, Underground imaging by frequency domain electromagnetic migration: Geophysics, V.61, 666-682.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Fang Sh., 1996, Quasi-linear approximation in 3D electromagnetic modeling: Geophysics, V.61, 646-665.
Zhdanov, M.S and Fang Sh., 1996, 3D quasi-linear electromagnetic inversion: Radio Science, V. 31, No.4, 741-754.
Traynin, P., Zhdanov, M.S., Nyquist, J., Beard, L., and Doll, W., 1996, A new approach to interpretation of airborne magnetic and electromagnetic data: Proceedings of SAGEEP 96, Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Fang, Sh., 1997, Quasi-linear series in three-dimensional electromagnetic modeling: Radio Science, V. 32, No. 6, 2167-2188.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Traynin, P., 1997, Migration versus inversion in electromagnetic imaging technique: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, V. 49, No. 11-12, 1415-1437.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Portniaguine, O., 1997, Time domain electromagnetic migration in the solution of the inverse problems: Geophysical Journal International, V. 131, 293-309.
De Lugao, P., Portniaguine, O., and Zhdanov, M.S., 1997, Fast and stable two- dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data: Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity, V. 49, No. 11-12, 1469-1497.
Johnson, A., Borup, D., Wiskin, J., Berggren, M., Zhdanov, M.S., Bunch, K., and Eidens, R., 1997, Application of inverse scattering and other refraction corrected methods in environmental imaging with acoustic or electromagnetic energy: SIAM, Philadelphia, 295-312.
Zhdanov, M.S., Varentsov, I.M., Weaver, J.T., Golubev, N.G., and Krylov, V.A., 1997, Methods for modeling electromagnetic fields results from COMMEMI – the international project on the comparison of modeling methods for electromagnetic induction: Journal of Applied Geophysics, V. 37, 133-271.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1998, Advanced modeling and inversion technologies for high-resolution electromagnetic methods: Proceedings of the 4th SEGJ International Symposium, Tokyo, 15-20.
Zhdanova, O.N. and Zhdanov, M.S., 1998, Methods for the analysis and interpretation of the sea floor electromagnetic fields: Deep Electromagnetic Exploration, Springer-Verlag, Narosa Publishing House, 248-259.
Zhdanov, M.S., 1998, Electromagnetic migration: Deep Electromagnetic Exploration, Springer-Verlag, Narosa Publishing House, 283-298.
Portniaguine, O. and Zhdanov, M.S., 1999, Parameter estimation for 3-D geoelectromagnetic inverse problems: Three- dimensional Electromagnetics, ed. By M. Oristaglio and B. Spies, 1999, Geophys. Devel. Ser., No. 7, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 222-232.
Portniaguine, O. and Zhdanov, M.S., 1999, Focusing geophysical inversion images: Geophysics, V. 64, No. 3, 874-887.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Fang, Sh., 1999, 3D quasi-linear electromagnetic modeling and inversion: Three-dimensional Electromagnetics, ed. By M. Oristaglio and B. Spies, 1999, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, 233-255.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Hursan, G., 2000, 3-D electromagnetic inversion based on quasi-analytical approximation: Inverse Problems, V. 16, 1297-1322.
Zhdanov, M.S., Fang, Sh., and Hursan, G., 2000, Electromagnetic inversion using quasi-linear approximation: Geophysics, V. 65, 1501-1513.
Zhdanov, M.S., Dmitriev, V,I,. Fang, Sh., and Hursan, G., 2000, Quasi-analytical approximation and series in 3D electromagnetic modeling: Geophysics, V. 65, 1746-1757.
Tartaras, E., Zhdanov, M.S., Wada, K., Saito, A., and Hara, T., 2000, Fast imaging of TDEM data based on S-inversion: Journal of Applied Geophysics, V. 43, No. 1, 15-32.
Pavlov, D.A. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2001, Analysis and interpretation of anomalous conductivity and magnetic permeability effects in time domain electromagnetic data. Part I: Numerical modeling: Journal of Applied Geophysics, V. 46, No. 4, 217-233.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Pavlov, D.A., 2001, Analysis and interpretation of anomalous conductivity and magnetic permeability effects in time domain electromagnetic data. Part II: Sμ-inversion: Journal of Applied Geophysics, V. 46, No. 4, 235-248.
Zhdanov, M.S., Kennedy, W.D., and Peksen, E., 2001, Foundations of tensor induction well-logging: Petrophysics, V. 42, 588-610.
Cheryauka, A.B., Sato, M., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2001, Induction logging with directional coil polarizations: Modeling and resolution analysis: Petrophysics, V. 42, No.3, 227-236.
Zhdanov, M.S., Kennedy, W.D., Cheryauka, A.B., and Peksen, E., 2001, Principles of the Tensor Induction Well-Logging in a Deviated Well in an Anisotropic Medium, 42nd Annual SPWLA Symposium, Houston.
Cheryauka, A.B. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2001, Fast modeling of tensor induction tool response in a horizontal well in inhomogeneous anisotropic formations: SPWLA 42nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 17-20, 2001.
Hursan, G. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2001, Rapid 3-D magnetotelluric inversion: University of Utah, 1-53.
Zhdanov, M.S., Pavlov, D., and Ellis, R., 2002, Localized S-inversion of time domain electromagnetic data: Geophysics, V. 67, No. 4, 1115-1125.
Mehanee, S. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2002, Two-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion of blocky geoelectrical structures: Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, V. 107, No. B4, 10/1029/2001JB000191.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Tartaras, E., 2002, Three-dimensional inversion of multitransmitter electromagnetic data based on the localized quasi-linear approximation: Geophysical Journal International, V. 148, No. 3, 506-519.
Portniaguine, O. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2002, 3-D magnetic inversion with data compression and image focusing: Geophysics, V. 67, No. 5, 1532-1541.
Hursan, G. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2002, Contraction integral equation method in 3-D electromagnetic modeling: Radio Science, No. 6, 1089.
Zhdanov, M.S., Portniaguine, O., and Hursan, G., 2002, Compression in 3-D EM integral equation electromagnetic modeling: Three Dimensional Electromagnetics, Eds. Zhdanov M.S., and Wannamaker, P.E., Elsevier, 21-42.
Cheryauka, A.B., Zhdanov, M.S., and Sato, M., 2002, Nonlinear approximations for electromagnetic scattering from electrical and magnetic inhomogeneities: Three Dimensional Electromagnetics, Eds. Zhdanov M.S. and Wannamaker, P.E., Elsevier, 65-84.
Portniaguine, O. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2002, 3-D focusing inversion of CSAMT data: Three Dimensional Electromagnetics, Eds. Zhdanov M.S., and Wannamaker, P.E., Elsevier, 173-192.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Yoshioka, K, 2003, Cross-well electromagnetic imaging in three dimensions: Exploration Geophysics, V. 34, No.s 1 and 2, 34-40.
Peksen, E. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2003, Apparent resistivity correction for tensor induction well logging in a deviated well in an anisotropic medium: Petrophysics, V. 44, 196-204.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Golubev, N.G., 2003, Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data in complex geological structures: in Macnae, J., and Liu, G. (eds.), Three-dimensional electromagnetic III, Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 39pp.
Zhdanov, M.S., Cheryauka, A.B., and Peksen, E., 2003, Sharp boundary inversion of tensor induction logging data: SPWLA 44th Annual Logging Symposium, June 22-25, 2003.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Tolstaya, E., 2004, Minimum support nonlinear parameterization in the solution of 3-D magnetotelluric inverse problem: Inverse Problems, V. 20, No 3, 937 - 952.
Zhdanov, M.S., Tartaras, E., and Gribenko, A., 2004, Fast 3-D imaging from a single borehole using tensor induction logging data: Petrophysics, V. 45, No. 2, 167-178.
Mehanee, S. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2004, A quasi-analytical boundary condition for 3-D finite difference electromagnetic modeling: Radio Science, V. 39, RS6014.
Zhdanov, M.S., Ellis, R., and Mukherjee, S., 2004, Three-dimensional regularized focusing inversion of gravity gradient tensor component data: Geophysics, V. 69, No. 4, 925-937.
Zhdanov, M.S. and Chernyavskiy, A., 2004, Rapid three-dimensional inversion of multi-transmitter electromagnetic data using the spectral Lanczos decomposition method: Inverse Problems, V. 20, S233-S256.
Yoshioka, K. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2005, Three-dimensional nonlinear regularized inversion of the induced polarization data based on the Cole–Cole model: Physics of the earth and Planetary Interiors, V. 150, 29-43.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2005, Rapid solutions of 3-D EM inverse problems: Electromagnetic Study of the Earth’s Interior, Ed. Spichak, V. V., Nauchnyi Mir, Moscow, 76-90.
Ueda, T. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2006, Fast numerical modeling of multitransmitter electromagnetic data using multigrid quasi-linear approximation: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: V. 44, No. 4.
Zhdanov, M.S., Lee, S.K., and Yoshioka, K., 2006, Integral equation method for 3D modeling of electromagnetic fields in complex structures with inhomogeneous background conductivity: Geophysics, V. 71, No. 6, G333-G345.
Zhdanov, M.S., Vignoly, G., and Ueda, T., 2006, Sharp boundary inversion in crosswell traveltime tomography: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, V. 3, 122-134 doi:10.1088/1742-2132/3/2/003
Zhdanov, M.S. and Tolstaya, E., 2006, A novel approach to the model appraisal and resolution analysis of regularized geophysical inversion: Geophysics, V. 71, No. 6, R79-R90.
Zhdanov, M.S., Dmitriev, V.I., and Gribenko, A, 2007, Integral electric current method in 3-D electromagnetic modeling for large conductivity contrast: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: V. 45, No. 5.
Gribenko, A. and Zhdanov, M. S., 2007, Special Section – Marine controlled-source electromagnetic methods; rigorous 3D inversion of marine CSEM data based on the integral equation method: Geophysics, V. 72, No. 2, WA73-WA84.
Heilweil, V.M., McKinney, T.S., Zhdanov, M.S., and Watt, D.E., 2007, Controls on the variability of net infiltration to desert sandstone: Water Resources Research, V. 43, WO741.
Cox, L.H. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2008, Advanced computational methods of rapid and rigorous 3-D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data: Communications in Computational Physics, V. 3, No. 1, 160-179.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2008, Generalized effective-medium theory of induced polarization: Geophysics V. 73, F197-F211.
Ueda, T. and Zhdanov, M.S., 2008, Fast numerical methods for marine controlled-source electromagnetic (EM) survey data based on multigrid quasi-linear approximation and iterative EM migration: Exploration Geophysics, V. 39, 60-67.
Endo, M., Cuma, M, and Zhdanov, M.S., 2008, A multigrid integral equation method for large-scale models with inhomogeneous backgrounds: Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, No.5, 438-447.
Endo, M., Cuma, M., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2009, Large-scale electromagnetic modeling for multiple inhomogeneous domains: Communications in Computational Physics, 21 September, 269-289.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2009, New advances in regularized inversion of gravity and electromagnetic data: Geophysical Prospecting, 463-478.
Black, N., & Zhdanov, M.S., 2010, Active geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon reservoirs using EM methods: in J. Kasahara, V. Korneev, and M.S. Zhdanov eds. Active Geophysical Monitoring, Elsevier, 135-159.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2010, Maxwell’s equations and numerical electromagnetic modeling in the context of the theory of differential forms: in J. Kasahara, V. Korneev, and M.S. Zhdanov eds. Active Geophysical Monitoring, Elsevier, 299-324.
Zhdanov, M.S., Cuma, M., and Ueda, T., 2010, 3D electromagnetic holographic imaging in active monitoring of sea-bottom geoelectrical structures: in J. Kasahara, V. Korneev, and M.S. Zhdanov eds. Active Geophysical Monitoring, Elsevier, 325-350.
Zhdanov, M.S., and Wang, S., 2010, Foundations of the method of EM field separation into upgoing and downgoing parts and its application to MCSEM data: in J. Kasahara, V. Korneev, and M.S. Zhdanov eds. Active Geophysical Monitoring, Elsevier, 351-379.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2010, Electromagnetic geophysics: Notes from the past and the road ahead: Geophysics, 75A49-75A66.
Zhdanov, M.S., Liu, X., and G Wilson, 2010, Potential field migration for rapid 3D imaging of entire gravity gradiometry surveys: First Break, V. 28, 47-51.
Zhdanov, M.S., Velikhov, E.P., Čuma, M., Wilson, G., Black, N., and A. Gribenko, 2010, Exploring multiple 3D inversion scenarios for enhanced interpretation of marine CSEM data: an iterative migration analysis of the Shtokman gas field: First Break, V. 28, 95-101.
Zhdanov, M.S., Green, A., Gribenko, A., and M. Cuma, 2010, Large scale three-dimensional inversion of Earthscope MT data using integral equation method: Fizika Zemli, V. 8, 27-35.
Cox, L.H., Wilson, G.A., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2010, 3D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data using a moving footprint: Exploration Geophysics, 41, 250–259.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Le Wan, Alexander Gribenko, Martin Čuma, Kerry Key, and Steven Constable, 2011, Large-scale 3D inversion of marine magnetotelluric data: Case study from the Gemini prospect, Gulf of Mexico: Geophysics, 76, F77–F87.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Robert B. Smith, Alexander Gribenko, Martin Cuma, and Marie Green, 2011, Three‐dimensional inversion of large‐scale EarthScope magnetotelluric data based on the integral equation method: Geoelectrical imaging of the Yellowstone conductive mantle plume: Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L08307.
Glenn Wilson, Martin Čuma, and Michael S. Zhdanov, 2011, Massively parallel 3D inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data: Preview, 29-34.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Martin Cuma, Glenn A. Wilson, Evgeny P. Velikhov, Noel Black, and Alexander V. Gribenko, 2011, Iterative electromagnetic migration for 3D inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic data: Geophysical Prospecting, 60, 1-15.
B. Addepalli, K. Sikorski, E.R. Pardyjak, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2011, Source characterization of atmospheric releases using stochastic search and regularized gradient optimization: Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 1, 1-28.
E.P Velikhov, V.F. Grigoriev, M.S. Zhdanov, S.M. Korotayev, M.S. Kruglyakow, D.A. Orekhova, I.V. Popova, E.D. Tereschenko, and Y.G. Schors, 2011, Electromagnetic sounding of the Kola Peninsula with a powerful extremely low frequency source: Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 438, Part 1, 711-716.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Xiaojun Liu, Glenn A. Wilson, and Le Wan, Potential field migration for rapid imaging of gravity gradiometry data, 2011, 59, 1052-1071.
Zhdanov, M.S., Liu, X., Wilson, G.A., and Wan, L., 2012, 3D migration for rapid imaging of total-magnetic-intensity data: Geophysics, Vol. 77, No. 2, J1-J5, 10.1190/GEO2011-0425.1.
Wilson, G.A., Cox, L.H., Cuma, M., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2012, Inverting airborne geophysical data for mega-cell and giga-cell 3D Earth models: The Leading Edge, Special Section: Mining Geophysics, March, Vol. 31, No. 3, 316-321, doi: 10.1190/1.3694899.
Cuma, M., Wilson, G., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2012, Large-scale 3D inversion of potential field data: Geophysical Prospecting, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2478.2011.01052.x.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Chris Anderson, Masashi Endo, Leif H. Cox, Martin Čuma, Glenn A. Wilson, Noel Black, and Alexander V. Gribenko, 3D inversion of towed streamer EM data: a model study of the Harding field with
comparison to CSEM, 2012, First Break, 30, 71-74.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Chris Anderson, Masashi Endo, Leif H. Cox, Martin Čuma, Glenn A. Wilson, Noel Black, and Alexander V. Gribenko, 3D inversion of towed streamer EM data: a model study of the Harding field with
comparison to CSEM, 2012, First Break, Vol. 30, April, 1-6. In Russian.
Michael S. Zhdanov, Chris Anderson, Masashi Endo, Leif H. Cox, Martin Čuma, Glenn A. Wilson, Noel Black, and Alexander V. Gribenko, 3D inversion of towed streamer EM data: a model study of the Harding field with
comparison to CSEM, 2012, First Break, Vol. 30, April, 71-74. In Spanish.
Zhdanov, M.S., Cai, H., and Wilson, G.A., 2012, Migration transformation of two-dimensional magnetic vector and tensor fields: Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 189, 1361-1368.
Zhdanov, M.S., Gribenko, A., and Wilson, G., 2012, Generalized joint inversion of multimodal geophysical data using Gramian constraints: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, L09301, 1-7, doi: 10.1029/2012GL051233.
Zhdanov, M.S., Cai, H., and Wilson, G., 2012, 3D inversion of SQUID magnetic tensor data: Journal of Geology and Geosciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1000104.
Zhdanov, M.S., Gribenko, A.V., Wilson, G.A., and Funk, C., 2012, 3D joint inversion of geophysical data with Gramian constraints: A case study from the Carrapateena IOCG deposit, South Australia: The Leading Edge, November, 1382-1388.
Zhdanov, M.S., Gribenko, A., Cuma M., and Green, M., 2012, Geoelectrical structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere beneath the Northwestern United States: J Geol Geosci, Vol 1, Issue 2, 1000106, 1-6.
Pare, P., Gribenko, A.V., Cox, L.H., Cuma, M., Wilson, G.A., Zhdanov, M.S., Legault, J., Smit, J., and Polome, L., 2012, 3D inversion of SPECTREM and ZTEM airborne electromagnetic data from the Pebble Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposit, Alaska: Exploration Geophysics, Vol. 43, 104-115, dx.doi.org/10.1071/EG11044.
Cox, L.H., Wilson, G.A., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2012, 3D inversion of airborne electromagnetic data: Geophysics, Vol. 77, No. 4, WB59-WB69, 10.1190/GEO2011-0370.1
Legault, J., Wilson, G.A., Gribenko, A.V., Zhdanov, M.S., Zhao, S., and Fisk, K, 2012, An overview of the ZTEM and AirMt airborne electromagnetic systems: a case study from the Nebo-Babel Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, West Musgrave, Western Australia: Preview, (Feature Paper), June, 26-32.
Zhdanov, M.S., Endo, M., Black N., Spangler, L, Fairweather, S. Hibbs, A., Eiskamp, G.A., and Will, R., 2013, Electromagnetic monitoring of CO2 sequestration in deep reservoirs: First Break, Vol 31, February, p. 85-92.
Zhdanov, M.S., Cox, L., and Rudd, J., 2013, Paradigm change in 3D inversion of airborne EM surveys: case study for oil sans exploration near Fort McMurray, Alberta: First Break, Vol. 31, April, 45-49.
Zhdanov, M.S., and Liu, X., 2013, 3-D Cauchy-type integrals for terrain correction of gravity and gravity gradiometry data: Geophysical Journal International, 194, 249-268.
Zhdanov, M.S., and Cox, L., 2013, Multinary Inversion for Tunnel Detection: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 10, 1100-1103.
Zhdanov, M.S., 2013, Focusing Controlled Sensitivity of Geophysical Data: Journal of Geology and Geosciences, S10-001.
Zhdanov, M.S., Endo, M, Cox, L.H., Cuma, M., Linfoot, J., Anderson, C., Black, N., and A. V. Gribenko, 2013, Three-dimensional inversion of towed streamer electromagnetic data, Geophysical Prospecting 62(3), 552-572. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12097.
Zhdanov, M. S., M. Endo, D. Yoon, M. Cuma, J. Mattsson, and M. Jonathan (2014b), Anisotropic 3D inversion of towed-streamer electromagnetic data: Case study from the Troll West Oil Province: Interpretation, 2(3), SH97-SH113, doi: 10.1190/INT-2013-0156.1
Cuma, M., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2014, Massively parallel regularized 3D inversion of potential fields on CPUs and GPUs, Computers & Geosciences, 62, 80-87.
Burtman, V., H. Fu, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2014, Experimental study of induced polarization effect in unconventional reservoir rocks: Geomaterials, 4 (4), 117.
Cai H., B. Xiong, M. Han, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2014, 3D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling in anisotropic medium using edge-based finite element method: Computers & Geosciences, 73, 164-176.
Burtman, V., Fu, H., and Zhdanov, M.S., 2014, Experimental study of induced polarization effect in unconventional reservoir rocks: Geomaterials, 4, 117-128.
Yoon, D. and M. S. Zhdanov, 2015, Optimal synthetic aperture method for marine controlled source EM surveys: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, No. , 414 - 418.
Cai H. and M. S. Zhdanov, 2015, Modeling and inversion of magnetic anomalies caused by sediment-basement interface using 3D Cauchy-type integrals: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 3, 477 - 481.
Cai H. and M. S. Zhdanov, 2015, Application of Cauchy-type integrals in developing effective methods for depth-to-basement inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data: Geophysics, 80, 1180-1184.
Xu Z. and M. S. Zhdanov, 2015, Three-Dimensional Cole-Cole Model Inversion of Induced Polarization Data Based on Regularized Conjugate Gradient Method:IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 6, D81-D94.
Burtman, V., and M. S. Zhdanov, 2015, Induced polarization effect in reservoir rocks and its modeling based on generalized effective-medium theory: Resource-Efficient Technologies 1, 34–48.
Zhdanov, M.S., Zhu, Y., Endo, M., Kinakin, Y., 2016, Novel approach to joint 3D inversion of EM and potential field data using Gramian constraints: First Break, 34, April, 59-64.
Yavich, N, and M S Zhdanov, 2016, Contraction preconditioner in finite-difference electromagnetic modeling: Geophysical Journal International, ggw237.
Zhdanov, M. S., and H Cai, 2016, Redatuming controlled-source electromagnetic data using Stratton–Chu type integral transformations: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 126, 1-12.
Cai, H., and M. S. Zhdanov, 2016, Three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data for the sediment–basement interface: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13 (3), 349-35.
Yoon, D., Zhdanov, M.S., Mattsson, J., Cai, H., and Gribenko, A., 2016, A hybrid finite-difference and integral-equation method for modeling and inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic data: Geophysics, Vol. 81, No. 5, E323-336.
Zhdanov, M. S., D. Yoon, and J. Mattsson, 2016, Rapid imaging of towed streamer EM Data using the optimal synthetic aperture method: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 14 (2), 262 - 266.
Zhdanov, M.S., Endo, M., Cuma, M., Sunwall, D., Malmberg, J-A, McKay, A., Tshering, T., and Midgley, J., 2016, Large-scale seismically guided anisotropic inversion of towed-streamer EM data in the Barents Sea: First Break, Vol., 34, November, 75-79
Zhdanov, M., and H. Cai, 2017, Joint Inversion of Gravity and Magnetotelluric Data for the Depth-to-Basement Estimation: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 14, No. 8, 1228 – 1232.
Čuma, M., A Gribenko, and M S Zhdanov, 2017, Inversion of magnetotelluric data using integral equation approach with variable sensitivity domain: application to EarthScope MT data: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol. 270, 113 – 127.
Malovichko, M, N Khokhlov, N Yavich, and M Zhdanov, 2017, Approximate solutions of acoustic 3D integral equation and their application to seismic modeling and full-waveform inversion: Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 346, 318-339.
Zhdanov, MS , and W Lin, 2017, Adaptive multinary inversion of gravity and gravity gradiometry data: Geophysics, G101-G114.
Cai, H., X. Hu, B. Xiong, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2017, Finite-element time-domain modeling of electromagnetic data in general dispersive medium using adaptive Padé series: Computers & Geosciences, 109, 194-205.
Gribenko, A.V., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2017, 3‐D Inversion of the MT EarthScope Data, Collected Over the East Central United States: Geophysical Research Letters, 23, 11,800-11,807.
Voynov, O. Y., V. I. Golubev, M.S. Zhdanov, and I.B. Petrov, 2018, Migration of Elastic Wavefield Using Adjoint Operator and Born Approximation: in Innovations in Wave Processes Modelling and Decision Making: Springer, 219-240, 11,800-11,807.
Favorskaya, A.V., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2018, Migration of Elastic Fields Based on Kirchhoff and Rayleigh Integrals: in Innovations in Wave Processes Modelling and Decision Making: Springer, 219-240, 11,800-11,807.
Zhdanov, M., M .Endo, L. Cox, D. Sunwall, 2018, Effective-Medium Inversion of Induced Polarization Data for Mineral Exploration and Mineral Discrimination: Case Study for the Copper Deposit in Mongolia: Minerals, 8(2), 68.
Malovichko, M., N. Khokhlov, N. Yavich, M. Zhdanov, 2018, Acoustic 3D modeling by the method of integral equations: Computers & Geosciences, 111, 223-234.
Zhdanov M. S., F. A. Alfouzan, L. Cox, A. Alotaibi,, M. Alyousif, D. Sunwall, and M. Endo, 2018, Large-Scale 3D Modeling and Inversion of Multiphysics Airborne Geophysical Data: A Case Study from the Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia: Minerals , 8, 271; doi:10.3390/min8070271.
Favorskaya A. V., M. S. Zhdanov, N. I. Khokhlov, and I. B. Petrov, 2018, Modeling the wave phenomena in acoustic and elastic media with sharp variations of physical properties using the grid-characteristic method: Geophysical Prospecting, 66(8), 1485-1502, https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.12639
Zhdanov M. S., V. Burtman, M. Endo, and W. Lin, 2018, Complex resistivity of mineral rocks in the context of the generalised effective‐medium theory of the induced polarization effect: Geophysical Prospecting 66 (4), 798-817
Lin, W and M. S. Zhdanov, 2018, Joint multinary inversion of gravity and magnetic data using Gramian constraints: Geophysical Journal International 215 (3), 1540-1557
Lin, W and M. S. Zhdanov, 2019, The Gramian Method of Joint Inversion of the Gravity Gradiometry and Seismic Data: Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(4), 1659-1672
Malovichko, M., A.V. Tarasov, N Yavich, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2019, Mineral exploration with 3-D controlled-source electromagnetic method: a synthetic study of Sukhoi Log gold deposit: Geophysical Journal International, 3, 1698-1716
Jorgensen, M., and M. S. Zhdanov, 2019, Imaging Yellowstone magmatic system by the joint Gramian inversion of gravity and magnetotelluric data: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 292, 12-20
Tu, X., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2019, Enhancement and sharpening the migration images of the gravity field and its gradients: Pure and Applied Geophysics: 1-23.
Zhdanov, M. S., and X. Tu, 2019, Processing and imaging of towed-streamer electromagnetic data with synthetic aperture method: First Break, 37 (12), 51-54.
Zhdanov, M. S., 2020, Maxwell's equations and numerical electromagnetic modeling in the context of the theory of differential forms: Active geophysical monitoring, 245-267.
Wan, L., M Han, HA AlJanobi, and MS Zhdanov, 2020, Feasibility study of gravity gradiometry monitoring of CO2 sequestration in deep reservoirs using surface and borehole data: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 123-140.
Marsala, A., MS Zhdanov, V Burtman, L Cox, D Sunwall, and M Ćuma, 2020, Feasibility study of reservoir monitoring using the induced polarization effect associated with nanoparticles: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 141-164.
Zhdanov, MS , and S Wang, 2020, Foundations of the method of electromagnetic field separation in upgoing and downgoing parts and its application to marine controlled source electromagnetic data: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 295-321.
Zhdanov, MS, M Ćuma, and T Ueda, 2020, Three-dimensional electromagnetic holographic imaging in active monitoring of sea-bottom geoelectrical structures: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 269-294.
Black, N., and MS Zhdanov, 2020, Active geophysical monitoring of hydrocarbon reservoirs using electromagnetic methods: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 69-95.
Zhdanov, MS, M Han, and L Wan, 2020, Joint iterative migration of surface and borehole gravity gradiometry data: Active Geophysical Monitoring, 97-121.
Malovichko, M., N Khokhlov, N Yavich, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Incorporating known petrophysical model in the seismic full‐waveform inversion using the Gramian constraint: Geophysical Prospecting, 68 (4), 1361-1378.
Tu, X., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Least Squares Migration of Synthetic Aperture Data for Towed Streamer Electromagnetic Survey: IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.
Tu, X., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Robust Synthetic Aperture Imaging of Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Data: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
Yavich, N. and M. S. Zhdanov, 2020, Finite-element EM modelling on hexahedral grids with an FD solver as a pre-conditioner: Geophysical Journal International, 223 (2), 840-850.
Xu, Z., L. Wan, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2020, Focusing iterative migration of gravity gradiometry data acquired in the Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea: Geophysical Prospecting 68 (7), 2292-2306.
Alfouzan, F. A. , A. M. Alotaibi, L. H. Cox, and M. S. Zhdanov, 2020, Spectral Induced Polarization Survey with Distributed Array System for Mineral Exploration: Case Study in Saudi Arabia: Minerals, 10, 769; doi:10.3390/min10090769.
Avdotin, E., N. Yavich, N. Khokhlov, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Increasing the effectiveness of 3D modeling visco-acoustic wave propagation with a solver based on contraction operator: Proceedings of NSG20, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.
Jorgensen, M., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Application of Gramian and focusing structural constraints to joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data: Proceedings of NSG20, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.
Jorgensen, M., L. Cox, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Joint inversion of airborne electromagnetic and total magnetic intensity data using Gramian structural constraints: Proceedings of EAGE20, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.
Khokhlov, N., P. Stognii, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Novel approach to modelling the elastic waves in a cluster of 3D fractured structures: Proceedings of NSG20, European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers.
Malovichko, M., N Khokhlov, N Yavich, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2020, Incorporating known petrophysical model in the seismic full‐waveform inversion using the Gramian constraint: Geophysical Prospecting, 68 (4), 1361-1378.
Yavich, N., N. Khokhlov, M. Malovichko, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2021, Contraction operator transformation for the complex heterogeneous Helmholtz equation: Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 86 (2021), 63-72.
Jorgensen, M., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2021, Recovering magnetization of rock formations by jointly inverting airborne gravity gradiometry and total magnetic intensity data: Minerals, 11, 366.
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen, and L. Cox, 2021, Advanced methods of joint inversion of multiphysics data for mineral exploration: Geosciences, 11, 262.
Tu, X., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2021, Joint Gramian inversion of geophysical data with different resolution capabilities: case study in Yellowstone: Geophysical Journal International, 226, 1058-1085.
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen, and L. Wan, 2022, Three-dimensional gravity inversion in the presence of the sediment-basement interface: a case study in Utah, USA: Minerals, 12, 448.
Tu, X., and M.S. Zhdanov, 2022, Joint focusing inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic and full tensor gravity gradiometry data: Geophysics, 87 (5), 1-57. https://doi.org/10.1190/geo2021-0691.1
Cox, L., M. Jorgensen, M.S. Zhdanov, D. Pitcher, and J. Niemi, 2022, Inversion of Airborne Data for Three-Dimensional Conductivity, Chargeability, and Magnetic Properties Models in Wawa, Ontario, Canada: Proceedings of 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022.
Nadasi, E., A.V. Gribenko, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2022, Data-Space Implementation of Regularized Gauss-Newton Method in 3D Inversion of the Lithoprobe and Earthscope MT Data: Proceedings of 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition 2022.
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen, and L. Wan, 2022, Three-Dimensional Gravity Inversion in the Presence of the Sediment-Basement Interface: A Case Study in Utah, USA: Minerals, 12 (4), 448.
Zhdanov, M.S., X. Tu, and M. Ćuma, 2022, Cooperative inversion of multiphysics data using joint minimum entropy constraints: Near Surface Geophysics, https://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12203
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen, L. Wan, 2022, Two-step approach to 3D gravity inversion: Case study in the State of Utah: Proceedings of First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 916-920.
Tu, X. and M.S. Zhdanov, 2022, Joint focusing inversion of marine controlled-source electromagnetic and full tensor gravity gradiometry data: Case study of the Nordkapp Basin in Barents Sea, Norway: Proceedings of First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 1746-1750.
Tao, M., M. Jorgensen, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2022, Mapping the salt structures from magnetic and gravity gradiometry data in Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea: Proceedings of First International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 874-878
M.S. Zhdanov, Ed. 2022, Editorial for Special Issue 'Geophysics for Mineral Exploration': Minerals, 11 (7), 692.
Nadasi, E., A.V. Gribenko, and M.S. Zhdanov, 2022, Large-scale inversion of magnetotelluric data using regularized Gauss-Newton method in the data space: Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-022-03147-0
Jorgensen, M., M.S. Zhdanov, and B. Parsons, 2022, 3D inversion of QMAGT airborne magnetic gradiometry data for susceptibility and magnetization vector models of the Thompson Nickel Belt in Manitoba, Canada: Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 1135-1139.
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen, A. Gribenko, M. Ikeya, and Y. Usui, 2022, 3D joint Gramian inversion of airborne gravity gradiometry and magnetotelluric data for geothermal resource exploration: Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 1155-1159.
Gribenko, A., L. Cox, M. Jorgensen, M.S. Zhdanov, M. Ikeya, and Y. Usui, 2022, Integrated 3D inversion of magnetotelluric and HeliTEM data collected in the geothermal area of Japan: Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, 682-686.
Zhdanov, M.S., M. Jorgensen and M. Tao, 2023, Probabilistic approach to Gramian inversion of multiphysics data: Frontiers in Earth Science, 11.
Xu, Z., R. Wang, M. S Zhdanov, X. Wang, J. Li, B. Zhang, S. Liang, Y, Wang, 2023, Inversion of the Gravity Gradiometry Data by ResUet Network: An Application in Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62.
Zhdanov, M. S., M Jorgensen, M Tao, 2023, Joint Inversion of Gravity Gradiometry and Magnetic Data in the Barents Sea using the Probabilistic Gramian: 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 – 5.
Cox, L.H., Zhdanov, M.S., Pitcher, D.H., Niemi, J.,2023, Three-Dimensional Inversion of Induced Polarization Effects in Airborne Time Domain Electromagnetic Data Using the GEMTIP Model: Minerals, 13, 779.
Jorgensen, M.; Zhdanov, M.S.; Parsons, B., 2023, 3D Focusing Inversion of Full Tensor Magnetic Gradiometry Data with Gramian Regularization: Minerals, 13, 851.
Cao J., Zhdanov M. S., Zu S., Wang H. and Sun J., 2023, Geophysical inversion and interpretation based on new generation artificial intelligence: Frontiers in Earth Science, 11:1252072.
Zhang, Y.; Xu, Z.; Xian, M.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Lai, C.; Wang, R.; Mao, L.; Zhao, G., 2024, 3D Basement Relief and Density Inversion Based on EfficientNetV2 Deep Learning Network: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 4508915.
Zhdanov, M. S.; Jorgensen, M.; Keating, J., 2024, Revealing the Hidden Paleomagnetic Information from the Airborne Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) Data: First Break, 42 (7), 73-78.
Jorgensen, M.; Zhdanov, M. S., 2024, Simultaneous Inversion of Magnetic Data into Induced and Remanent Magnetizations: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.
Cox, L.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Prikhodko, A., 2024, Simultaneous Inversion of AEM Data for 3D Conductivity and Chargeability: Case Study of TargetEM Data, Canada: 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition.
Xian, M.; Xu, Z.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Ding, Y.; Wang, R.; Wang, X.; Li, J.; Zhao, G., 2024, Recovering 3D Salt Dome by Gravity Data Inversion Using ResU-Net++: Geophysics 89 (5), 1-64.
Zhdanov, M. S.; Wan, L.; Jorgensen, M., 2024, Joint Three-Dimensional Inversion of Gravity and Magnetic Data Collected in the Area of Victoria Mine, Nevada, Using the Gramian Constraints: Minerals, 14 (3), 292.
Cox, L.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Pridhodko, A., 2024, Inversion for 3D Conductivity and Chargeability Models Using EM Data Acquired by the New Airborne TargetEM System in Ontario, Canada: Minerals, 14 (3), 237.
Wang, R.; Ding, Y.; Xu, Z.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Xian, M.; Zhang, Y.; Li, J.; Jiang, C.; Guo, Z., 2024, Employing MS-UNets Networks for Multiscale 3D Gravity Data Inversion: A Case Study in the Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 4502813.
Wang, R.; Xu, Z.; Lai, C.; Wang, X.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Li, G.; Cheng, Z.; Li, J.; Zhao, G.; Liang, S.; Li, H.; Zhang, Y., 2024, Reconstructing 2-D Basement Relief using Gravity data by Deep Neuron Network: An Application on Poyang Basin: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 62, 4500911.
Jorgensen, M.; Zhdanov, M. S.; Gribenko, A.; Cox, L.; Sabra, H.; Prikhodko, A., 2024, 3D Inversion and Interpretation of Airborne Multiphysics Data for Targeting Porphyry System, Flammefjeld, Greenland: Minerals, 14, 1130.